

About Our Price Structure

Our grooming prices are base prices and apply to pets in reasonable condition and of normal size, weight, and temperament.

The cost for pets whose grooming needs have been neglected, when the coat has become matted, or undercoat packed against the skin, will be higher than the price listed. The cost of grooming will also depend on the style of trimming. Hand-scissoring leaves longer coat length, requiring more time and skill than using clippers to achieve a smooth professional finish, so hand-scissored styles are typically higher in price than clipped styles.

The cost for grooming may be higher for pets that are oversized, overweight or whose temperament or health requires additional time and personnel to safely handle.

We strive to provide you a premium quality service at a fair and reasonable price. We will evaluate your pet at your first appointment and quote a price range, so that you will know what to expect with the cost for grooming before leaving your pet. You are welcome to bring your pet to the spa in advance of making an appointment for a services quote.

Keep in mind, that these prices are for full service grooming. We do not charge extra to Dremel nails, clean ears, condition the coat or express anal glands. We are a full and premium services salon. You may choose to add toothbrushing, spa services or spa treatments to your pet’s grooming for an additional charge.

We invite you to visit our salon and speak with us about your pet’s grooming needs.